March 02, 2016

Surviving And Thriving In This New Economy

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.
                                           Alvin Toffler
Surviving in this new economy is very essential especially for the youth of Africa where they are less informed about the changing world. Most people complain about economic hardships but it is funny to know that this new economy is not responsible for the economic hardships. In fact, there are many opportunities now than there has ever been in the history of man. So why all this hustle?
Well, the answer is simple. Most people are educated illiterates. "Illiterate" defined from Alvin Toffler's quote. Most people are not willing to learnunlearn and relearn. How can you survive this new economy if you are not willing to learn new things and unlearn certain things? You would hardly survive, not to talk of thriving and if that is the case, you would hardly see the opportunities this economy has to offer.
Most people are not thriving in this new economy because they have not realized it yet. Especially our African youth. As the saying goes,"understanding the question is part of the solution", same thing
applies to this also. Understanding the new economy is part of surviving and thriving in it but it all begins with realizing that, the old economy is gone, we are in the new economy.
To survive and thrive in this new economy, you need to be a literate, you need to be someone who can learn, unlearn and relearn. If you remain being an educated illiterate, the new economy will not be a nice place for you to live.
So its simple, to survive and thrive in this new economy, you need to be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn, you need to be a literate of the new economy and thats when you see the opportunities.
I would love to hear your comments and views about surviving and thriving this new economy. Kindly share with us:-)

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