If you are reading this, then you probably want to start a business, invest into a company or need the Top Industries and Sectors to invest your time and money into. This article will provide you with the most recent and current Ranking from trusted source. Almost every industry and sector is trying their possible best to rank high and take the lead but some sectors will forever be with the Top 10 not because they buy their "spot" but because they continue to provide the basic needs of every society and mankind as a whole. These industries have been estimated to double if not triple their net margin over the next decade. These are the companies you will like to vouch for, These are the companies you'll like to invest in.
The Health And Wellness Industry
This is the most promising industry to invest in. Everybody wants to be healthy including you, that is why this industry tops it all. Day-in day-out we think about our health and how to improve. This industry will remain first until we all don't need any health solutions (which i don't think will ever be possible).
Below is a chart that shows the top industries and their margin increase from 2015 to 2016.